Thursday, January 7, 2010
Ah, the ever popular retro peace sign. Here are a pair of jeans and a t-shirt made with the same colors and design element.
This t-shirt is done with a fun technique. Here is what you need:
- Sparkle 21: Vintage Sparkle, Leaf Sparkle, Ocean Sparkle
- White t-shirt
- Light color chalk pencil
- Dinner plate
- Dessert plate
- Shirt painting board
- Large flat paintbrush
2. Using chalk pencil, trace dinner plate on center of shirt, near the top. Trace the dessert plate in the center of that. Freehand the lines inside the peace sign.
3. Using Sparkle 21 as desired, outline inside lines of peace sign. Using the brush, spread glitter into the inner sections.
4. Outline outside of peace sign with thick lines of Sparkle 21. Using brush, spread glitter outward onto shirt.
For the jeans, you need:
Sparkle 21: same as shirt
8mm round Sparkle gems: to match
round template (like a cup) and chalk pencil: optional
1. Trace round template if desired, randomly, on jeans. Or just freehand if you are brave.
2. Doodle a circle, making it not perfect. Add the lines inside to create a peace sign. Repeat as many times as desired.
3. Add dots of Sparkle 21. Set gems in while wet.
This is a cute peace sign design. Once you make a few, you will be freehanding them easily. They could go on anything.
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